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-Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion- English or Spanish- assist our priests with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. They also bring Holy Communion to the homebound.
-Lectors- English or Spanish- proclaim the Word of God for the First and Second Scripture readings during Mass. They also read the Prayer of the Faithful.
-Ushers- English or Spanish- also known as "Ministers of Hospitality", they welcome parishioners as they arrive for Mass and help them find their seats. Their responsibilities also include taking the parish collections via the collection baskets, as well as directing parishioners during the distribution of Holy Communion.
-Altar Servers- English or Spanish- assist the priest during the celebration of Mass. Young people of our parish and academy, from 4th grade through high school are welcome to serve in this capacity.
-RCIA/Religious Education Catechists- direct and guide students - adult or child - on their journey of faith. They teach the necessary catechesis to prepare them for the reception of the sacraments.
-Youth Ministry- high school students of our parish come together to deepen their relationship with Jesus, learn about our faith, form new friendships and learn how to be involved in parish life.
- Adult Choir, English or Spanish- these choirs enhance our liturgical celebrations through song.
The English Adult Choir sings at the 11:00 am Sunday Mass, and the Spanish Adult Choir sings at the 12:30 pm Sunday Mass.
-Children Choir- sings at our special family liturgy, once per month at the 9:00 am Mass.